Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko

Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko: Words Play A Great Role

Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko

Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko | Image Resource :

Special occasions require special costumes and accessories. Indians are happy spending a lot of money on weddings. Care is taken to choose a beautiful venue, best costumes and of course a special card. Customized cards are preferred as they are special and most people would not replicate it. Planning for the wedding starts months in advance and during the wedding the whole place is in a festive mood.

What Does Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko Mean?

Gujarati weddings are marked by rituals, songs, yummy feast and dance. They prefer to get the wedding card printed in Gujarati. The cards are traditional and people prefer well designed cards. Gujarati wedding cards are known as Kankotri. Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko means using special wordings in the cards. Images of Ganesha or other gods are usually placed in the cards.

Textured paper is selected for the cards and artistic designs on such paper make the card stylish. Verses from Gita or some slokas are found in the card. Parents take pleasure in inviting the guests and the names of the grandparents is also mentioned. The Gujarati wedding has many ceremonies and each event is mentioned in the cards.

Choose Your Special Gujarati Kankotri Tahuko

Some colours are considered auspicious and such colours are given preference when getting a card. Golden ribbon cards, laser cut cards, scroll cards, designer cards are available. You can also make your own card by combining different colours and designs. Wordings are given importance in the card apart from the visual look.

A beautifully worded card stays in mind for a long time. If a card looks beautiful but does not have proper wordings then it loses its purpose. Kankotri Tahuko need to have special wordings as it is appreciated and so people go through countless templates before selecting their wordings. Beautiful cards with good wordings are preserved by the guests. So choose good verses so that your card is above the ordinary.